Stage 33: Pedrouzo - Santiago de Compostela

19,4 Km
4h 40m
Road - City

General information

O Pedrouzo, located in the parish of Arca, is the capital of the municipality of O Pino. In recent years, O Pedrouzo has established itself, in addition to Monte do Gozo, as the last stopping place for hikers before their eventual arrival in Santiago.

Monte de Gozo is the first place from which the Cathedral of Santiago can be seen. Tradition dictates that the first pilgrim in your group to reach the top of the mount is crowned "king of the pilgrimage" and recognized as such. However, the stage is not particularly picturesque towards the end, as the rural landscape begins to give way to the urban once you get closer to Santiago.

The Monastery of San Martin Pinario is also an option for visitors. This Benedictine monastery was built in the late 16th century and is the second largest in Spain. It is quite impressive in size and style, although it has undergone some renovations over the years. It is currently home to seminarians.

You can attend the pilgrim's mass at noon leaving early in the morning and after arriving at the Cathedral of Santiago. You can also follow the rest of the tradition by visiting the crypt, the relics of the Apostle, going up to the Camarín and embracing the Apostle. This is something pilgrims usually do at the end of their pilgrimage.



The most prepared pilgrims, eager to reach their final goal in Santiago, usually get through this stage fairly quickly. Others, sad to see their time on the Camino come to an end, may choose to take it easy on the leaf-covered paths.

Hostels Pedrouzo - Santiago de Compostela

Hostel Address Place Telephone Property Management Staff
Albergue Monterrey Rúa fontiñas, Nº65A, BAJ Santiago de Compostela 655 484 299 Private Private Lourdes y Javier
Albergue Acuario de Santiago de Compostela San Lázaro Valiño, 2 (Rua Estocolmo) Santiago de Compostela No information phone Private Camino Estelar Acuario, S.C Tito y Ara
Albergue Santo Santiago Rúa do Valiño, 3 Santiago de Compostela Reservas: 657 402 403 Private Private Alfredo
Albergue El Viejo Quijote Rúa Concheiros Nº48 Santiago de Compostela 881 088 789, 631 649 910 Miguel Private Miguel
Albergue La Credencial Fonte dos Concheiros, 13 Santiago de Compostela 639 966 704, ­981 068 083 Private Private Margarita
Albergue Loopinn Santiago C/ Rúa de Tras Santa Clara Santiago de Compostela 682 158 011, 981 585 667 Private Private Ivan
Blanco Albergue Rúa Galeras, 30 Santiago de Compostela 881 976 850, 699 591 238 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Albergue del Monte do Gozo Carretera del Aeropuerto, km 2 Santiago de Compostela No tiene teléfono de información Xunta de Galicia Xunta de Galicia Unknown
Albergue Azabache Calle Azabachería, 15 Santiago de Compostela 981 07 12 54 Private Private Mari Cruz
Albergue Meiga Backpackers Rúa dos Basquiños, 67 Santiago de Compostela 981 57 08 46 Private Private Mari Cruz
Albergue Monte do Gozo Rúa do Gozo, 18 Santiago de Compostela 881 255 386 Private Grupo Carrís - Xunta de Galicia Aurora
Albergue Sixtos No Caminho Rúa da Fonte dos Concheiros, 2A, Bajos Santiago de Compostela 881 067 936 Private Private Orlando y Ramiro
Albergue Mundoalbergue C/ San Clemente, 26 Santiago de Compostela 981 58 86 25, 674 415 600 Private Private José Manuel
Albergue Seminario Menor La Asunción Avenida Quiroga Palacios, s/n Santiago de Compostela 881 031 768 Hoteles Encantados S.L. Hoteles Encantados S.L. Personal
Albergue The Last Stamp Rúa do Preguntoiro, 10 Santiago de Compostela 981 56 35 25 Private Private Ana y Paula
Albergue Fin del Camino Rúa de Moscova, s/n Santiago de Compostela 981 587 324 Fundación Ad Sanctum Iacobum Peregrinatio Fundación Ad Sanctum Iacobum Peregrinatio hospitaleros voluntarios de la Fundación
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