Stage 16: Fromista - Carrión de los Condes

18,8 Km
4h 20m
Very low
Countryside - Urban

General information

Fromista is a town located at the end of the sixth stage in Picaud's original pilgrim's guide. It is believed that the town was first inhabited by the Celts and then by the Romans. The Moors destroyed the town during the 8th century.

It was repopulated during the 10th century with the help of the wife of Sancho III, who founded a Benedictine monastery.

The only thing that remains of the monastery is the church of San Martin. This Romanesque church of San Martin is an imposing building that dominates the center of the square where it is located.



Stage 16 of the French Way will continue along the plateau, resulting in an easy and flat hike. Today's route is approximately 19 kilometers and will take you about 5 hours at an easy pace.

Many people take advantage of today's easy ride to get to Carrión de Los Condes. The first 3.5 kilometers are on the side of the road. It is a flat and easy path that has been created specifically for pilgrims. This road continues to the aforementioned Carrión de Los Condes.

After Población de Campos you can choose between two routes. However, the second one is much less traveled and less signposted.

From Población de Campos you cross the river, the road on the side of the road will pass through Revenga de Campos, Villarmentero de Campos, and Villalcazar de Sirga. Carrión de los Condes is 5.2 km from Villaclazar.

Hostels Fromista - Carrión de los Condes

Hostel Address Place Telephone Property Management Staff
Albergue de Población de Campos Paseo del Cementerio Población de Campos (Palencia) 979 81 10 99, 685 510 020, 625 469 326 Municipal Private Carmina
Albergue Amanecer C/ José Antonio, 2 Villarmentero de Campos (Palencia) 629 178 543 Private Private Jesús
Albergue Parroquial de Santa María C/ Clérigo Pastor, 31 Carrión de los Condes (Palencia) 616 867 167 Parroquia de Santa María Parroquia de Santa María Hermanas Agustinas y voluntarios
Albergue Betania Av. Ejército Español, 26 Frómista (Palencia) 638 846 043 Private Private Lourdes
Albergue Estrella del Camino Avenida del Ejército Español Frómista (Palencia) 979 81 03 99, 653 751 582 Private Private Florentino
Albergue de Frómista Plaza de San Martín Frómista (Palencia) 979 810 990, 686 579 702 Ayuntamiento de Frómista Private Carmen
Albergue Villalcázar de Sirga Plaza del Peregrino Villalcázar de Sirga (Palencia) No tiene teléfono de información Ayuntamiento de Villalcázar de Sirga Fundación Hospitalaria de la Orden de Malta (FHOME) Voluntarios
Albergue Casa de Espiritualidad Nuestra Señora de Belén Leopoldo María de Castro, 6 Carrión de los Condes (Palencia) 979 88 00 31 Religiosas filipenses Religiosas filipenses Comunidad de Religiosas Filipenses
Albergue Don Camino C/ Real, 23 Villalcázar de Sirga (Palencia) 979 88 81 63, 620 39 90 40 Private Private Mariano
Albergue Espíritu Santo Plaza de San Juan, 4 Carrión de los Condes (Palencia) 979 88 00 52 Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paul Unknown Hijas de la Caridad
Albergue La Finca Carretera 980, km. 16 Población de Campos (Palencia) 979 06 70 28 Private Private Mª José Antolín
All Stages
