Stage 3: Zubiri - Pamplona

20,4 Km
4h 40m

General information

Zubiri is the main town in the Esteribar valley and one of the largest in the area. Although it has undergone a recent transformation, it still retains some features of the 18th century.

To start the road to Pamplona from Zubiri, the starting point is the medieval bridge of this town.



This stage of the Camino runs along the Arga River at the foot of a group of hills covered with beech, oak and Scots pine trees.

As we approach Pamplona, the landscape becomes more clearly influenced by civilization, with its conifers, reforestation and croplands.

You can cross the Arga River over a bridge to reach the old quarry ruins and the path leading to Irotz. The trail offers good views of the river as you make your way to the center of town. You can also follow the paved trail from the river park to reach Zabaldika.

Next, the route takes you through open terrain to the remains of the abandoned village of Santiagozar. From the highest point, you can take a small path down to the hermitage of Trinidad de Arre.

The route continues along the main street of Villava before reaching the Magdalena Bridge, the gateway to Pamplona.

Hostels Zubiri - Pamplona

Hostel Address Place Telephone Property Management Staff
Albergue Acá y Allá C/ San Miguel, 18 Urdániz (Navarra) Half a km from the Way 615 257 666 / 615 245 439 Private Private Jesús Mª Góngora Pineda
Albergue Municipal de Huarte Plaza San Juan, s/n Huarte 676 505 439 (Hostel), 948 33 07 61 (Ayuntamiento) Municipal Private Maite Aznar
Albergue Parroquial de Zabaldika Zabaldika (barrio de Arriba) Zabaldika, barrio de Arriba (Navarra) 948 33 09 18, 699 617 559 (Marisol Soler RSCJ) / 619 436 863 ( Hospitalero) Diócesis de Pamplona Diócesis de Pamplona Ricardo Noain y la Comunidad
Albergue de Jesús y María Calle Compañía (Cerca Catedral) Pamplona (Navarra) 948 22 26 44, 648 008 932 Ayuntamiento de Pamplona ASPACE ASPACE
Albergue San Nicolás Calle Sorandi, 5-7 Larrasoaña (Navarra) 619 559 225, 659 815 961 Private Private Luis y María Jesús
Albergue Plaza Catedral C/ Navarrería, 35, bajo Pamplona 620 913 968, 948 59 13 36 Private Private Reyes e Ibai
Albergue Xarma Hostel Aterpea Avenida Baja Navarra, 23 Pamplona (Navarra) 948 04 64 49 Private Private Pedro, Gorka y Ainhoa
Albergue de Pamplona C/ del Carmen, 18 Pamplona (34) 948 04 46 37, (34) 685 73 42 07 Private Private Valentín Rodrigo y Natalia Epalza
Albergue Casa Paderborn Playa de Caparroso, 6 Pamplona. (Navarra) 0034 948 39 54 23 Ayuntamiento de Pamplona Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Paderborn Hospitaleros miembros de la Asociación
Albergue Ezpeleku C/ San Martín, 3 Ilarratz 948 30 47 21, 696 808 894 Private Private Marisa y Javier
Albergue Casa Ibarrola Calle del Carmen, 31 Pamplona 692 208 463 (Iñaki), 948 22 33 32 (Albergue) Private Private Iñaki y César
Albergue de la Trinidad de Arre Al lado del puente sobre el río Ultzama Arre (Navarra) 629 270 863, 948 33 29 41 Cofradía de la Trinidad de Arre Cofradía de la Trinidad de Arre José Luis Miral
Albergue municipal de Villava C/ Pedro de Atarrabia, 17-19 Villava-Atarrabia (Navarra) 948 51 77 31 (Albergue), 649 713 943 (Móvil), 948 13 66 80 (Ayuntamiento). Ayuntamiento de Villava Telizsa Personal de Telizsa
Albergue La Parada de Zuriain Calle Landa, 8 Zuriain (Navarra) 699 556 741, 616 038 685 Private Private Antonio y María José
Albergue de Larrasoaña C/ San Nicolás Larrasoaña (Navarra) 626 718 417 Concejo de Larrasoaña Concejo de Larrasoaña Argiloa Mangado
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